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Living life purposefully

I wrote this a few days after my birthday June 16, 2020.

Living Life intentionally

Living life purposefully

The past couple of days for me have been one of self-assessment

One of deep reflections.

One of very detailed self-audit

Apart from the fact that it was my birthday a few days ago, two days to my birthday someone whom I never met or spoke with but I loved from a distance passed on!

It shook me to my very core!

I had so many questions to ask God

I found myself asking how, why, constantly exclaiming wow! sighing unendingly! taking deep breaths...

At some point asking God for his mercy and for a second chance at life on earth for her.

She was laid to rest a few days after my birthday

I watched, read, and listened to so many beautiful, touching, and interesting "reviews " on the life she lived on her 40years sojourn on earth.

I also watched some of the interviews she granted on fertility issues and her life’s purpose via YouTube.

I began to gather the lessons from this amazing daughter of the “Most High” in my mind.

As I listened and read closely, I saw a woman with:

1. An alive! relationship with God her creator.

2. A vessel who acted swiftly on God's promptings, leadings, and direction.

3. A yielded heart and vessel.

4. A woman with a beautiful exterior and an even more beautiful heart.

5. A beautiful heart that refused to become ugly despite all the hurt, hate, and painful betrayals the world hurled at it.

6. A strong and hardworking lady.

7. A person who delivered every task excellently like her excellent father in heaven!

8. A heart that loved people genuinely regardless of their “class in the society”

9. Someone who was present. Not just physically there but involved.

10. A diligent professional, and a consistent pacesetter in her industry.

11. A leader, not a boss who gave her staff a sense of family (not all human beings are privileged to experience “FAMILY”)

12. A non-judgemental child of God who lived a "go ye into the world kind of life" reaching out and showing love to both the churched and unchurched. The Bible actually says "go ye into the world" unfortunately most of us are living a "go ye into the church " only kind of life.

13. Someone who was after a life of impact rather than money, wealth, and riches.

14. A woman who while fulfilling purpose still was very much in touch with family!

15. A woman of humility and self-effacement (She blessed a lot of people, was such a selfless giver yet refused to claim attention for all she did).

16. A fearless woman!

I personally learned that so much beauty is lost in our lives when we procrastinate and live like we are going to be here forever.

I have learned to celebrate my loved ones to the fullest without holding back while they are still here, tell them I love them more often than I currently do.

I also realized the importance of reaching out to people with a sense of urgency whenever God impresses them on my heart.

She definitely had her weak areas, she definitely went through turbulent seasons as all humans do. However, she chose to fulfill purpose despite all.

Happy 40th birthday in Heaven First Lady Ibidunni Ituah Ighodalo!

Your life is a sermon that would keep ministering to a lot of us till we draw our last breaths on earth.

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