Is there a relationship in your life that has in some way been severed or shattered? Is there a gap in a relationship that you feel is irreconcilable? Today, I want you to think about the possibility of reconciliation, restoration, resolution or forgiveness in those relationships.
God’s purpose and plan is that you would find a way to live at peace with everybody.
You may think this is impossible, but remember that with God all things are possible. God wants you to "pursue" in other word "run after" in other words "chase" peace (Hebrews 12:14) "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord". Through the cross God made peace with you. He didn’t have to do this—he wasn’t threatened by you or need something from you. He wanted a relationship with you.
God made me go through an experience that required me forgiving and for the first time in my life it was really tough. When God was done educating me he strongly impressed it in my heart to share what i learnt.
I have always heard of ‘Joyce Meyer’ even attended her love life conference but I just recently discovered that this woman is one of the “agents of forgiveness” walking on the earth today.
I listened to as many of her messages as I found on the topic “forgiveness” on Youtube She repeatedly made a statement that I found to be true. One of the major sins that Children of God are battling with seriously and will most likely stand against most of us on the last day if not dealt with is the sin of “Unforgiveness!
The other two things that struck a chord:
1} As children of God we need to operate beyond our “feelings”… God commands us to forgive whether we feel like or no! Too many of us are busy indulging our feelings at the expense of a wholesome life.
2) Blessed are the “ Pure in heart for they shall See God”- Matthew 5:8. Seeing God face to face as well as seeing God open up his treasure of all the blessings {not only for eternity, but also for life here and now}.
No human is worth preventing you from seeing God. Not your Self, Mum, Dad, Sibling, Husband, Wife, in laws, Church member, Colleague, aunty, uncle, Friend, Boss, Cousin, Ex, whoever...… Just forgive!
If you refuse to forgive and then bless the difficult people in your life, you are in danger of becoming a difficult person.
I saw a comment made on an aunt’s page, which is so true. Unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting another person to die, while forgiveness is like setting a prisoner free only to discover that the prisoner is you. We tend to forget that our being forgiven by God is hung on this. " Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" (Matthew 6:12). If you do not forgive others, don't expect it from God then.
In conclusion God wants you reading this write up to make forgiving a part of your lifestyle. You

have to refuse to allow destructive patterns to be reestablished in your life. You have to own your part in the hurt and let go of your need to get even or keep record of the wrong. You may have to end the relationship peacefully to live free of the unhealthy dynamics that brought the relationship down.
God empower and engrace us all in Jesus name Amen.