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You are my strength ; You are my shield

It has been an intense time for the world in the past weeks courtesy the global "COVID-19 Pandemic."

Some parts of the world are currently on lockdown. A lot of people are getting tired of staying indoors. A lot of people have lost their jobs, many others are working from home, little children most especially toddlers who attend daycare, are asking their parents when they go back to school. Children are asking their parents when they get to see their friends, literally walking around their homes singing their friends' and teachers' names. (This is happening to me 😩)

Young people are spending lots of time on their phones, in front of screens trying to "fill up" the excess time on their hands.

Loads of people are watching movies and getting tired of them

The world seems to have come to a standstill!

Individuals are experiencing different types of emotions based on the ongoing happenings, some fearful, some depressed, some just tired, some worried and stressed about their finances

Mums are overwhelmed and tired from the stress of nurturing and having to put in more mummy hours than usual. The list goes on and on

This psalm is God himself speaking to you and me times like this

He is our strength through all this; He is our shield

He strengthens us from within

The Holy Spirit is right where you are, keeping you company.

He is carrying you in his arms!

So rejoice and draw strength from him.

Please make the most of this season

Add new knowledge to knowledge

Learn a new skill

Become more financially literate

Do some soul searching where you just dig deep, asking God to show you more of his plans for your life, and how to navigate the paths he is leading you in.

Be encouraged, Rejoice, Listen to music that will uplift you, Dance, Sing out loud!

This will soon all be over and you would emerge better, stronger, wiser and more renewed than ever!

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